Getting Organized

Piccola Perla, La Porte, Colorado, USA.

For the past three months I have been working with an amazing human at the Larimer Small Business Development Center to improve my business and figure out how I can get organized and be on tracks that fulfill me and my community.

If you have a business and need help in any way I highly recommend this free resource. We are so lucky to have this in place in our community. Thank you Kate at Sunshine Lady Photography for turning me onto the SBDC!

My business counselor has helped me realize so many things that I might have been aware of but could not pinpoint or express so clearly. One example is how my scattered, popcorn artist, renaissance woman, creative mind is successful in art and my creations but less so in the organisation of my - behind the scene - business.

I am learning about smart goals, how to put into words what I may know, feel, notice or want to work on and come up with actual plans. She keeps me on my toes and helps me with concrete plans of action.

Having someone to talk to like her or Sara from Passion House Media - with our biweekly brainstorming/computer work and social media actions - is important for me. It puts a human touch to something that can be so digital, technological and not-so-exciting to me.

Inspired by all this organisation I have been purging my house and Piccola studio to give a lot away and thin down my collection of too many things. This goes along with a simplification of my life to focus on what is important to me: slowing down, human contact and activism to make a better community for all of us.


Summer 2022


Summer Camps